Nanodisc: Drug Development and Delivery

A finalist in the Venture Showcase Nanodisc, Inc. was presented by President and CEO Michael Artinger, Ph.D. Nanodiscs permit the functional solubilization of membrane-associated proteins as both drug targets and as drugs themselves. The proper packaging of membrane-associated proteins in Nanodiscs may result in better functionality of this class of protein-based drugs through improved folding, affinity, stability and reduced toxicity.
The primary focus of the Company is the development and commercialization of Nanodiscs as a delivery platform. Potential payloads include:
- Membrane-associated proteins such as receptors
- Small molecules (especially difficult to solubilize drugs)
- Imaging agents
- Nucleic acids (such as RNAi)

Management has assembled a unique, proprietary Nanodisc platform for delivery, imaging, diagnostics, target discovery and validation, lead generation and optimization and is pursuing multiple high-value drug and vaccine delivery applications characterized by substantial unmet need and market opportunity with clinical entry of a first candidate anticipated in 2009 while continuing alliance development with "best-in-class" partners to advance their discovery assets. Early funding was secured through IllinoisVENTURES and the Illinois Emerging Technology Fund
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